basic info

title: The Earth Is Online/地球上線
author: Mo Chen Huan
year: 2017
status: 240 chapters+5 extra
genre: action, adventure, comedy, drama, horror, mystery, sci-fi, supernatural, bl
plot: Six months ago, tens of thousands of black phantom towers appeared all over the world, floating above the cities. Chemists, physicists, religion... all helpless. After half a year, people got used to it and stopped paying attention to it. Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into the Phantom Black Tower one day, but failed to pass through. The next day, a childlike clear voice made an announcement to all mankind: "Ding Dong! On November 15, 2017, Earth went online."


categories: official player, reserve player, stowaway, returnee-Tang Mo (main character; librarian; likes to play online card games)
-Fu Wenduo (male lead; makes bad jokes; likes coriander)
-Bai Ruoyao (antagonist; chaos-creator; he's literally me fr)
-Mu Huixue (anti-hero; overpower; likes to bask under the moonlight)
-Chen Shanshan (support; very smart; she's like a daughter for Tang Mo/Fu Wenduo)
-Fu Wensheng (support; likes plane toys; he's like a son for Tang Mo/Fu Wenduo)
-Ning Zheng (antagonist; hates drama, loves apples; he's my boyfriend I'm not joking)
-Luo Fengcheng (support; scientist)
-Jack (support; Luo Fengcheng's left hand)
-Andrei Ivan Pyotr (support; doesn't understand Chinese)
-Zhao Ziang (support; Chen Shanshan's friend)
-Ruan Wangshu (antagonist/support; leader of Tian Xuan Organization)
-Lian Yuzheng (antagonist/support; Ruan Wangshu's left hand)
-Li Miaomiao (antagonist/support; part of Tian Xuan Organization)
-Qi Heng (antagonist; part of Tian Xuan Organization)
-Xiao Jitong (support; co-leader of Nanjing Strategy Group)
-Ningning (support; Xiao Jitong's left hand)
-Xiao Qiao (support; part of Nanjing Strategy Group)
-Chai Rong (support; co-leader of Nanjing Strategy Group)
-Li Wen (support; a rich kid)
-Yelana Ivanovna (extra; Russian reserve player; I need a spin-off about her)
-Hao Zi/Lao Wang (extras; Tang Mo's best friends)

official arts

ning zheng <3

who's ning zheng?
ning zheng, returnee, 62nd on the time leaderboard; he first appears as a duo with his "twin sister" and they get introduced as some of the strongest players from the offline earth. later on, ning zheng appears in the eve game and in the santa claus instance, plus some other appearances (mostly when bai ruoyao is involved)
some more info!
-mbti: not confirmed (istj/istp)
-age: not confirmed (young adult)
-power: teleport, gender change as price (implied)
-weapons: gun, knife, red dagger
-main goal: surviving
ning zheng chapters:
-first mention: chapter 169
-first named mention: chapter 171
-first appearance: chapter 176
-first ningbai meeting: chapter 183
-first instance: chapter 184
-ningbai collaboration reveal: chapter 190
-first nickname (ning ning) use: chapter 191
-last appearance: chapter 219
-more appearances/mentions: chapter 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 188, 189, 192, 193, 194, 195, 210, 214, 215
ning zheng audio drama:
-first appareance: 4x03
-santa claus instance: 4x04, 4x05, 4x06
-last appareance: 4x12

bai ruoyao (me)

who's bai ruoyao?
bai ruoyao, official player who first appears under the false name of "bruce wayne" (in reference to batman), is an antagonist of the novel. he doesn't have a specific goal, but he enjoys causing chaos and putting tang mo in difficult situations.
some more info!
-mbti: enpt 7w8
-age: not confirmed (young adult)
-power: looking at someone's dead aura (can't see his own aura; max 3 times a day)
-weapons: two butterfly knives; various props
-main goal: surviving
random trivia (he's just like me fr):
-He has hyposmia
-He's afraid of death
-He's extremly lucky
-He hates strawberries the most (might be a lie)
-Might have ADHD
-He puts himself in dangerous situations to stay sane
-He often gets referred to as 'baby-faced'